How it works

What does it take to get invoies paid early with Aura?

Get Aura now!

Immediate up-front payment of invoices
Priority financing
Immediate up-front payment of invoices
Guided onboarding
Immediate up-front payment of invoices
Early access to new features for life
Early access to SME financingEarly access to SME financing

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Aura.
Do i need an invoice in hand to get a financing decision from Aura?
No, you can create a job on Aura and get a financing decision before you've even extended a quote to your buyer. You'll only get paid after you've issued an invoice and it's been approved, but we will tell you whether your job is eligible well in advance so you only take on jobs that you can get paid early for.
How is this different from invoice factoring and invoice discounting?
With both invoice discounting and factoring, you cannot apply until you have an invoice in hand, meaning you only know if you're eligible once you've paid for the costs of the job. With Aura you can get a decision as early as pre-quote stage.
Can I have multiple live jobs with Aura?
Yes, you can have multiple concurrent jobs with Aura with either the same buyer or different buyers. We may have restrictions depending on the quote amount and how many open jobs you have already.
How fast do I get a decision?
Once we have all the necessary information about your company, buyer and job, you'll be given a decision and terms to choose from within 48 hours.
Who pays the fees for Aura?
We will deduct the fee from the total amount when we pay you on invoice date